What is the equivalent of utassert eqtable / eqquery in utPLSQL v3 In utPLSQL v2 you had to use ‘quoted text to compare tables / queries. utPLSQL v3 allows you to compare table data using native refcursors without usage of dynamic SQL. In v2 with you would use syntax or syntax: In v3 you will use syntax: Additionally v3 allows you to filter columns of cursors so… Read More
How I got into utPLSQL v3 development Winter is coming and the 7th season of Game of Thrones now just a memory. While I do love watching TV series it was not them that dragged me away from my blog. For last 18 months or so, I was heavily involved in design and development of new version of utPLSQL v3. After… Read More
UTPLSQL vs. ruby-plsql – Oracle unit testing frameworks for developers comparison Last two months I was blogging quite a lot about UTPLSQL vs ruby-plsql. There are lots of aspects that I did not manage to cover so far. I’ve had a ambitious plan to go through all of the details and dig into the darkest corners to show all the differences. Time is however one thing… Read More
UTPLSQL vs. ruby-plsql – exception handling I recently use utPLSQL in my daily work as a testing framework and I’ve noticed that the framework is doing quite bad job on exception handling on the tested code. I’ll try to demonstrate it with a simple/yet realistic scenario. Scenario Consider a CUSTOMERS table created and populated with following script We have an API… Read More
UTPLSQL vs. ruby-plsql/ruby-plsql-spec – implicit datatype conversion traps … continued I’ve finished my previous post a bit too soon and was not precise on the ruby-plsql unite test results analysis. I’ve decided to dig a bit deeper to validate that ruby-plsql (RSpec) actually support datatype mismatch exceptions where utPLSQL unit testing fails due to oracle implicit datatype conversion. Retrospective Lets have a look once more… Read More