2015-08-17 | Leave a comment I recently use utPLSQL in my daily work as a testing framework and I’ve noticed that the framework is doing quite bad job on exception handling on the tested code. I’ll try to demonstrate it with a simple/yet realistic scenario. Scenario Consider a CUSTOMERS table created and populated with following script DROP TABLE customers; CREATE TABLE customers ( customer_id NUMBER, customer_no NUMBER(10,0), customer_valid_flag VARCHAR2(1), CONSTRAINT chk_valid_flag CHECK (customer_valid_flag IN ('0','1')) ); ALTER TABLE customers ADD CONSTRAINT customers_pk PRIMARY KEY (customer_id) USING INDEX; INSERT INTO customers VALUES (1, 123, '1'); INSERT INTO customers VALUES (2, 234, '0'); COMMIT; We have an API package to populate and access the CUSTOMERS table data. CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE some_table_api AS FUNCTION get_customer_no( p_customer_id customers.customer_id%TYPE ) RETURN customers.customer_no%TYPE; FUNCTION get_customer_valid_flag( p_customer_id customers.customer_id%TYPE ) RETURN customers.customer_valid_flag%TYPE; PROCEDURE add_customer( p_customer_id customers.customer_id%TYPE, p_customer_no customers.customer_no%TYPE, p_customer_valid_flag customers.customer_valid_flag%TYPE ); END some_table_api; / CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY some_table_api AS FUNCTION get_customer_no( p_customer_id customers.customer_id%TYPE ) RETURN customers.customer_no%TYPE IS v_result customers.customer_no%TYPE; BEGIN SELECT c.customer_no INTO v_result FROM customers c WHERE c.customer_id = p_customer_id; RETURN v_result; END; FUNCTION get_customer_valid_flag( p_customer_id customers.customer_id%TYPE ) RETURN customers.customer_valid_flag%TYPE IS v_result customers.customer_valid_flag%TYPE; BEGIN SELECT c.customer_valid_flag INTO v_result FROM customers c WHERE c.customer_id = p_customer_id; RETURN v_result; END; PROCEDURE add_customer( p_customer_id customers.customer_id%TYPE, p_customer_no customers.customer_no%TYPE, p_customer_valid_flag customers.customer_valid_flag%TYPE ) IS BEGIN INSERT INTO customers ( customer_id, customer_no, customer_valid_flag ) VALUES (p_customer_id, p_customer_no, p_customer_valid_flag); END; END some_table_api; / Unit tests The above API Package is subject to unit testing. To keep it short, I’ll focus on testing of the add_customer function. Let’s create a simple test to verify that when I call the procedure add_customer, the customer row is added to the table. Using utPLSQL. CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE ut_some_table_api_new IS PROCEDURE ut_setup; PROCEDURE ut_teardown; PROCEDURE ut_add_customer; END; / CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY ut_some_table_api_new IS PROCEDURE ut_setup IS BEGIN NULL; END; PROCEDURE ut_teardown IS BEGIN ROLLBACK; END; PROCEDURE ut_add_customer IS v_row_count INTEGER; v_customer_id INTEGER := -1; BEGIN SELECT COUNT(1) INTO v_row_count FROM customers WHERE customer_id = v_customer_id; utAssert.eq ( 'GIVEN customer does not exist', v_row_count, 0 ); some_table_api.add_customer( v_customer_id, 123, '1' ); SELECT COUNT(1) INTO v_row_count FROM customers WHERE customer_id = v_customer_id; utAssert.eq ( 'THEN customer is added', v_row_count, 1 ); END; END; / Using ruby-plsql. describe 'Add a new customer' do it 'adds a new customer to the table' do customer_id = -1 #GIVEN expect( plsql.customers.count( :customer_id => customer_id) ).to eq( 0 ) #WHEN plsql.some_table_api.add_customer( customer_id, 123, 'Y' ) #THEN expect( plsql.customers.count(:customer_id => customer_id) ).to eq( 1 ) end end Let us now execute the tests to make sure they validate the procedure. First utPLSQL. SQL> SET SERVEROUTPUT ON SQL> BEGIN utConfig.autocompile(false); utplsql.run('ut_some_table_api_new');END; 2 / . > SSSS U U CCC CCC EEEEEEE SSSS SSSS > S S U U C C C C E S S S S > S U U C C C C E S S > S U U C C E S S > SSSS U U C C EEEE SSSS SSSS > S U U C C E S S > S U U C C C C E S S > S S U U C C C C E S S S S > SSSS UUU CCC CCC EEEEEEE SSSS SSSS . SUCCESS: ".ut_some_table_api_new" . > Individual Test Case Results: > SUCCESS - ut_some_table_api_new.UT_ADD_CUSTOMER: EQ "GIVEN customer does not exist" Expected "0" and got "0" > SUCCESS - ut_some_table_api_new.UT_ADD_CUSTOMER: EQ "THEN customer is added" Expected "1" and got "1" > And ruby-plsql C:\Users\Jacek\RubymineProjects\utplsql_vs_plsql_spec>rspec -fd spec\some_table_api\add_customer_spec.rb Add a new customer adds a new customer to the table Finished in 0.04701 seconds (files took 1.95 seconds to load) 1 example, 0 failures C:\Users\Jacek\RubymineProjects\utplsql_vs_plsql_spec> All good. both test frameworks do their job. Catching exceptions Lets have a look on how the unit tests will behave when a change to the CUSTOMERS table structure will be introduced. We’ve just added a unique constraint to the CUSTOMERS table. ALTER TABLE customers ADD CONSTRAINT customers_uk UNIQUE (customer_no) USING INDEX; Our utPLSQL unit tests start to fail. SQL> BEGIN utConfig.autocompile(false); utplsql.run('ut_some_table_api_new');END; 2 / . > FFFFFFF AA III L U U RRRRR EEEEEEE > F A A I L U U R R E > F A A I L U U R R E > F A A I L U U R R E > FFFF A A I L U U RRRRRR EEEE > F AAAAAAAA I L U U R R E > F A A I L U U R R E > F A A I L U U R R E > F A A III LLLLLLL UUU R R EEEEEEE . FAILURE: ".ut_some_table_api_new" . > Individual Test Case Results: > SUCCESS - ut_some_table_api_new.UT_ADD_CUSTOMER: EQ "GIVEN customer does not exist" Expected "0" and got "0" > FAILURE - ut_some_table_api_new.UT_ADD_CUSTOMER: Unable to run ut_some_table_api_new.UT_ADD_CUSTOMER: ORA-00001: unique constraint (TDD_TEST1.CUSTOMERS_UK) violated > > > Errors recorded in utPLSQL Error Log: > > NONE FOUND PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> And our ruby-plsql tests start to fail too C:\Users\Jacek\RubymineProjects\utplsql_vs_plsql_spec>rspec -fd spec\some_table_api\add_customer_spec.rb Add a new customer adds a new customer to the table (FAILED - 1) Failures: 1) Add a new customer adds a new customer to the table Failure/Error: plsql.some_table_api.add_customer( customer_id, 123, '1' ) OCIError: ORA-00001: unique constraint (TDD_TEST1.CUSTOMERS_UK) violated ORA-06512: at "TDD_TEST1.SOME_TABLE_API", line 31 ORA-06512: at line 2 # stmt.c:250:in oci8lib_191.so # ./spec/some_table_api/add_customer_spec.rb:8:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>' Finished in 0.04401 seconds (files took 1.7 seconds to load) 1 example, 1 failure Failed examples: rspec ./spec/some_table_api/add_customer_spec.rb:3 # Add a new customer adds a new customer to the table C:\Users\Jacek\RubymineProjects\utplsql_vs_plsql_spec> Let’s have a closer look at the failures and what kind of information they provide. When we get rid of all the noise from utPLSQL report, we see that there is an error message there. FAILURE - ut_some_table_api_new.UT_ADD_CUSTOMER: Unable to run ut_some_table_api_new.UT_ADD_CUSTOMER: ORA-00001: unique constraint (TDD_TEST1.CUSTOMERS_UK) violated The failure informs about the unit testing package procedure “ut_some_table_api_new.UT_ADD_CUSTOMER” failing. It also gives a piece of information on what is wrong “ORA-00001: unique constraint (TDD_TEST1.CUSTOMERS_UK) violated”. Not bad, but the information is not sufficient to easily nail the piece of code that is failing. On the other hand, ruby-plsql gives us the following: 1) Add a new customer adds a new customer to the table Failure/Error: plsql.some_table_api.add_customer( customer_id, 123, '1' ) OCIError: ORA-00001: unique constraint (TDD_TEST1.CUSTOMERS_UK) violated ORA-06512: at "TDD_TEST1.SOME_TABLE_API", line 31 ORA-06512: at line 2 # stmt.c:250:in oci8lib_191.so # ./spec/some_table_api/add_customer_spec.rb:8:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>' We have full error stack trace from Oracle, includint the line number of the tested SOME_TABLE_API code, where the exception was raised. We also have line number of the ruby-plsql unit test, where it failed. This way it’s much easier to trace the exception and figure out what happened. utPLSQL falls behind ruby-plsql in this match, as ruby-plsql gives a full stack trace of the exception that was not captured. Testing for exceptions Now, assuming that adding the constraint was deliberate and valid action, it would be good to have our tests fixed and also extend them to cover the scenario of unique constraint violation. Let’s give it a try with utPLSQL. I’ve changed the existing test to validate that the customer with given ID and No does not exist. I’ve added 2 more tests to check that ADD_CUSTOMERS fails when a customer exits with given ID or number. I’ve also extracted the SELECT statement into a function, as it is used all over the place and I’ve added a ROLLBACK statement after each test, to make them atomic. CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE ut_some_table_api_new IS PROCEDURE ut_setup; PROCEDURE ut_teardown; PROCEDURE ut_add_customer; PROCEDURE ut_add_customer_fail_id; PROCEDURE ut_add_customer_fail_no; END; / CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY ut_some_table_api_new IS PROCEDURE ut_setup IS BEGIN NULL; END; PROCEDURE ut_teardown IS BEGIN ROLLBACK; END; FUNCTION count_customers( p_customer_id INTEGER, p_customer_no INTEGER ) RETURN INTEGER IS v_row_count INTEGER; BEGIN SELECT COUNT(1) INTO v_row_count FROM customers WHERE customer_id = p_customer_id OR customer_no = p_customer_no; RETURN v_row_count; END; PROCEDURE ut_add_customer IS v_customer_id INTEGER := -1; v_customer_no INTEGER := 1234; BEGIN utAssert.eq ( 'GIVEN customer does not exist', count_customers( v_customer_id, v_customer_no ), 0 ); some_table_api.add_customer( v_customer_id, v_customer_no, '1' ); utAssert.eq ( 'THEN customer is added', count_customers( v_customer_id, v_customer_no ), 1 ); ROLLBACK; END; PROCEDURE ut_add_customer_fail_id IS v_customer_id INTEGER := -1; v_customer_no INTEGER := 1234; BEGIN utAssert.eq ( 'GIVEN customer does not exist', count_customers( v_customer_id, v_customer_no ), 0 ); some_table_api.add_customer( v_customer_id, v_customer_no, '1' ); utAssert.eq ( 'WHEN customer is added', count_customers( v_customer_id, v_customer_no ), 1 ); utAssert.throws('THEN the add_customer fails on the same CUSTOMER_ID' ,'some_table_api.add_customer( '||v_customer_id||', '||(v_customer_no+1)||', ''1'' )' ,'DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX'); ROLLBACK; END; PROCEDURE ut_add_customer_fail_no IS v_customer_id INTEGER := -1; v_customer_no INTEGER := 1234; BEGIN utAssert.eq ( 'GIVEN customer does not exist', count_customers( v_customer_id, v_customer_no ), 0 ); some_table_api.add_customer( v_customer_id, v_customer_no, '1' ); utAssert.eq ( 'WHEN customer is added', count_customers( v_customer_id, v_customer_no ), 1 ); utAssert.throws('THEN the add_customer fails on the same CUSTOMER_NO' ,'some_table_api.add_customer( '||(v_customer_id-1)||', '||v_customer_no||', ''1'' )' ,-1); ROLLBACK; END; END; / So what do we get from those tests now? SQL> BEGIN utConfig.autocompile(false); utplsql.run('ut_some_table_api_new');END; 2 / . > SSSS U U CCC CCC EEEEEEE SSSS SSSS > S S U U C C C C E S S S S > S U U C C C C E S S > S U U C C E S S > SSSS U U C C EEEE SSSS SSSS > S U U C C E S S > S U U C C C C E S S > S S U U C C C C E S S S S > SSSS UUU CCC CCC EEEEEEE SSSS SSSS . SUCCESS: ".ut_some_table_api_new" . > Individual Test Case Results: > SUCCESS - ut_some_table_api_new.UT_ADD_CUSTOMER: EQ "GIVEN customer does not exist" Expected "0" and got "0" > SUCCESS - ut_some_table_api_new.UT_ADD_CUSTOMER: EQ "THEN customer is added" Expected "1" and got "1" > SUCCESS - ut_some_table_api_new.UT_ADD_CUSTOMER_FAIL_ID: EQ "GIVEN customer does not exist" Expected "0" and got "0" > SUCCESS - ut_some_table_api_new.UT_ADD_CUSTOMER_FAIL_ID: EQ "WHEN customer is added" Expected "1" and got "1" > SUCCESS - ut_some_table_api_new.UT_ADD_CUSTOMER_FAIL_ID: RAISES "THEN the add_customer fails on the same CUSTOMER_ID" Result: Block "some_table_api.add_customer( -1, 1235, '1' )" raises Exception "DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX > SUCCESS - ut_some_table_api_new.UT_ADD_CUSTOMER_FAIL_NO: EQ "GIVEN customer does not exist" Expected "0" and got "0" > SUCCESS - ut_some_table_api_new.UT_ADD_CUSTOMER_FAIL_NO: EQ "WHEN customer is added" Expected "1" and got "1" > SUCCESS - ut_some_table_api_new.UT_ADD_CUSTOMER_FAIL_NO: THROWS "THEN the add_customer fails on the same CUSTOMER_NO" Result: Block "some_table_api.add_customer( -2, 1234, '1' )" raises Exception "-1 > > > Errors recorded in utPLSQL Error Log: > > NONE FOUND PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> Let’s give it a try with ruby-plsql describe 'Add a new customer' do def count_customers(customer_id, customer_no) plsql.customers.count( 'WHERE customer_id = :customer_id OR customer_no = :customer_no', customer_id, customer_no ) end it 'adds a new customer to the table' do customer_id, customer_no = -1, 1234 #GIVEN expect( count_customers( customer_id, customer_no ) ).to eq( 0 ) #WHEN plsql.some_table_api.add_customer( customer_id, customer_no, '1' ) #THEN expect( count_customers( customer_id, customer_no ) ).to eq( 1 ) end it 'fails to add a new customer on PK' do customer_id, customer_no = -1, 1234 #GIVEN expect( count_customers( customer_id, customer_no ) ).to eq( 0 ) #WHEN plsql.some_table_api.add_customer( customer_id, customer_no, '1' ) #THEN expect{ plsql.some_table_api.add_customer( customer_id, customer_no+1, '1' ) }.to raise_exception(/CUSTOMERS_PK/) end it 'fails to add a new customer on UK' do customer_id, customer_no = -1, 1234 #GIVEN expect( count_customers( customer_id, customer_no ) ).to eq( 0 ) #WHEN plsql.some_table_api.add_customer( customer_id, customer_no, '1' ) #THEN expect{ plsql.some_table_api.add_customer( customer_id-1, customer_no, '1' ) }.to raise_exception(/ORA-00001/) end end And the results. C:\Users\Jacek\RubymineProjects\utplsql_vs_plsql_spec>rspec -fd spec\some_table_api\add_customer_spec.rb Add a new customer adds a new customer to the table fails to add a new customer on PK fails to add a new customer on UK Finished in 0.07101 seconds (files took 1.82 seconds to load) 3 examples, 0 failures C:\Users\Jacek\RubymineProjects\utplsql_vs_plsql_spec> With utPLSQL it is possible to check for a predefined Oracle exception by name (like DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX) or any exception by specific exception number. The trouble is, that to check for an exception you need to pass the tested code as a string literal. If your procedure is accessing complex types that can’t be easily expressed with literals (object/clob/blob/cursor) you simply cant use it. ruby-plsql (well actually RSpec) has an assertion on exception text. Matching can be done using regular expression. So you can validate that the raised exception (stack trace) contains the information you expect. When you are testing code for exceptions with ruby-plsql, you actually are injecting a code block into the “expect” routine using the block brackets “{ }”. In utPLSQL you’re also injecting the code to be executed into the “raises” assertion. In PL/SQL however, to dynamically inject code into another code, you pass it as a string. This makes the unit tests less readable and introduces many limitations. Tricky one How can we make an assertion/expectation using UTPLSQL and / or ruby-plsql that the code beeing tested is not raising exception, so that when it’s not raising any exceptions it’s passing and when it’s raising an exception, it fails? I’ll leave it up to you, but believe me it’s not a straight answer for UTPLSQL.