2014-01-30 | 1 Comment Today I came up with idea to overcome the issue: SQLPlus ERRORLOGGING does not keep error log on rollback. The resolution is to use autonomous transactions to log the errors reported by SQL Plus. What we need to do is to somehow catch the error that is about to be logged and wrap it in an autonomous transaction. The features that we will use are: a VIEW a “INSTEAD OF” TRIGGER a procedure that works in an autonomous transaction Create the error logging table. CREATE TABLE sperrorlog( username VARCHAR(256), timestamp TIMESTAMP, script VARCHAR(1024), identifier VARCHAR(256), message CLOB, statement CLOB ); Run a script to prove the ROLLBACK statement will cause the errors disappear from the error log. SET ERRORLOGGING ON INSERT INTO bad_table(a) VALUES(1); SET ERRORLOGGING OFF ROLLBACK; SELECT timestamp, script, substr(message,1,100) message FROM sperrorlog; SQL*Plus: Release Production on Wed Jan 1 23:22:20 2014 Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved. Use "connect username/password@XE" to connect to the database. SQL> conn hr/hr Connected. SQL> truncate table sperrorlog; Table truncated. SQL> SET ERRORLOGGING ON SQL> INSERT INTO bad_table(a) VALUES(1); INSERT INTO bad_table(a) VALUES(1) * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist SQL> SET ERRORLOGGING OFF SQL> ROLLBACK; Rollback complete. SQL> SELECT timestamp, script, substr(message,1,100) message FROM sperrorlog; no rows selected SQL> The error log table is empty. A little cheat will do the trick. ALTER TABLE sperrorlog RENAME TO t_sperrorlog; CREATE VIEW sperrorlog AS SELECT * FROM t_sperrorlog; CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE sperrorlog_prc( username VARCHAR, timestamp TIMESTAMP, script VARCHAR, identifier VARCHAR, message CLOB, statement CLOB ) IS PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; BEGIN INSERT INTO t_sperrorlog VALUES (username, timestamp, script, identifier, message, statement); COMMIT; END; / CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER sperrorlog_trg INSTEAD OF INSERT ON sperrorlog FOR EACH ROW CALL sperrorlog_prc( :NEW.username,:NEW.timestamp, :NEW.script, :NEW.identifier, :NEW.message, :NEW.statement); / Run the same script and see the results. SET ERRORLOGGING ON INSERT INTO bad_table(a) VALUES(1); SET ERRORLOGGING OFF ROLLBACK; SELECT timestamp, script, substr(message,1,100) message FROM sperrorlog; SQL*Plus: Release Production on Wed Jan 1 23:22:20 2014 Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved. Use "connect username/password@XE" to connect to the database. SQL> conn hr/hr Connected. SQL> truncate table sperrorlog; Table truncated. SQL> SET ERRORLOGGING ON SQL> INSERT INTO bad_table(a) VALUES(1); INSERT INTO bad_table(a) VALUES(1) * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist SQL> SET ERRORLOGGING OFF SQL> ROLLBACK; Rollback complete. SQL> SELECT timestamp, script, substr(message,1,100) message FROM sperrorlog; TIMESTAMP --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCRIPT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MESSAGE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30-JAN-14 PM ORA-00942: table or view does not exist SQL> Logging is now done into SPERRORLOG VIEW via trigger, that executes insert into T_SPERRORLOG table in autonomous transaction. Even if the transaction is rolled back, the error logs are persisted.
Hey – A very good article and proof depicting how one can achieve the concept of autonomous transaction to trap errors where SQL*PLUS fails. As they say the proof of pudding lies in it’s eating, I will try this one out and see for myself as that will help me appreciate this learnt concept. Cheers! Sandeep Reply